Meet Sisyphos, the Flying Elephant!

Museum Ephraim-Palais
Here comes Sisyphos!
© Sisyphos, der Flugelefant | Photo: Michael Tibes
Get creative together in the museum laboratory.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Photo: Christian Kielmann

Children help Sisyphos to form a community. They create their own elephant and make it fly!

Regular: free of charge
Museumslabor Nikolaiviertel

Sisyphos, the flying elephant, delivers joy to young Berliners. In a world that needs community more than ever, Sisyphos wants to bring people together. Who knows – maybe there’s a flying elephant in all of them?

The children participating in this multilingual workshop design their own elephant and find out how it finds its place in the community. This adventure is a foretaste of our winter holiday programme ‘Adventures in the Nikolai Quarter’, where the children can explore Sisyphos’ journey and develop the story of their elephant.

Please note:

No registration required. Just come in and join us!

Info & Service

Opening Hours

Tue – Sun | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (also on public holidays)
Mon closed

The visitor rules of the Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin apply.


Poststraße 16
10178 Berlin



15 euros
Valid for our three museums in the Nikolaiviertel (Museum Nikolaikirche, Museum Ephraim-Palais, Museum Knoblauchhaus) on two consecutive days (please note opening hours)

Single Ticket
7 euros
Day ticket for the Museum Ephraim-Palais

Free admission
With proof of reduction

For children & young people under 18, students, trainees, FSJ/FÖJ/BFD volunteers, Berlin-Ticket-S holders, severely disabled persons (with mark B) & accompanying person, refugees (with valid work or residence permit /eAT and Ukrainian passport or valid residence permit from Ukraine), recipients of residence permit /eAT and Ukrainian passport or valid residence permit from Ukraine), recipients of transfer benefits (citizen’s allowance, ALG I), holders of the Berlin-Brandenburg volunteer card, holders of the Super Holiday Pass / Berlin Family Pass, ICOM members, members of the German Museums Association, members of the Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Stadtmuseums Berlin e. V., KulturPass holders, media representatives with a valid press card


+49 30 240 02 – 162
Mo – Fri | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Write E-Mail


The Ephraim-Palais is accessible without steps. All exhibition areas are accessible via an elevator. There are barrier-free toilets in the building.