Women Power

Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum
Still from “Women Power”
© Women Power, 2018
Open Space “Liberty, Equality, Solidarność” in the BERLIN GLOBAL Exhibition 
© Ewa Maria Slaska, Anna Krenz, Jemek Jemowit | Stadtmuseum Berlin, Photo: Michael Setzpfandt

In their docudrama “Women Power” (2018), The Fight for Women’s Rights in Poland and Berlin: Film Screening and Discussion at BERLIN GLOBAL

Regular: 5 euros
Reduced: 3 euros
Price info

Tickets can be booked from one month before the event at the ticket counters in the Humboldt Forum or online. The ticket link will be published here.

Berlin Room, Room 5, 1st floor
2h 15min

In their docudrama “Women Power” (2018), filmmakers Marta Dzido and Piotr Śliwowski explore the successful fight by Polish suffragettes for the right to vote in the late 19th century.

BERLIN GLOBAL invites you to a screening of the film to honour this significant step and discuss enduring continuities and the power of networked activism today.

Whether abortion rights, equal pay, or the fight against violence towards women, the global struggles for women’s equality and freedom are far from over. A milestone in Poland and Germany was the hard-fought women’s suffrage achieved in 1918.

About the Film

The documentary feature film “Women Power” traces the journey of real-life figures Kazimiera Bujwidowa, Maria Dulębianka, Zofia Nałkowska, and Paulina Kuczalska.

Bujwidowa advocated in the 1880s for women to attend the University of Warsaw. Maria Dulębianka is considered the first female candidate for the Polish parliament. The writer Nałkowska demanded gender equality, and Paulina Kuczalska, the “Pope of Feminism”, also fought for the equality of men and women.

Dzido and Śliwowski have created a film that follows the struggle of Polish women for their rights – at a time before Poland appeared as an independent nation on the map. At the same time, this struggle did not occur in isolation but in transnational exchange, particularly with activists in Germany.


After the film screening, we invite you to a moderated discussion with Marta Dzido, Piotr Śliwowski, Anna Krenz, and the audience. The focus will be on lessons and continuities: What is the significance of the suffragettes’ internationally networked activism today? What can we learn from our great-grandmothers? Where are the current fronts in the fight for women’s rights in Poland and Germany, and what role does Polish-German solidarity play? The cultural scholar, activist, and author Aleksandra Nowak will moderate the evening.


The film will be shown in the original Polish with German subtitles. The subsequent discussion will be held in English with simultaneous German translation.

“Women Power” is a film by Marta Dzido (director) and Piotr Śliwowski (producer) featuring Maria Seweryn, Klara Bielawka, Marta Ojrzyńska, Katarzyna Wala, among others. Duration: 70 minutes.


Marta Dzido

Marta Dzido, born in 1981, is a Polish writer, documentary filmmaker, and film editor. Dzido has worked as a director and cinematographer on a number of documentary films, including the award-winning “Downtown” (2010) and “Solidarity According to Women” (2014). In 2018, she followed up with the docudrama “Women Power”. Dzido is the author of several novels and the non-fiction book “Kobiety Solidarności” (approximately: “Women of Solidarity”). For her novel “Frajda” (2018), she was awarded the European Union Prize for Literature.
Marta Dzido
Piotr Śliwowski
© privat

Piotr Śliwowski

Piotr Śliwowski, born in 1972, is a Polish documentary filmmaker, film director, and producer. From 2005 to 2013, he was a co-founder of the Polish cultural TV channel TVP Kultura, working as a reporter, television documentary author, and television programme editor. As a co-director and producer, he has collaborated with Marta Dzido on a series of documentary films, including “Downtown” (2010), “Solidarity According to Women” (2014), and “Women Power” (2018). Śliwowski has received multiple awards for his cinematic achievements.

Anna Krenz

Die 1976 in Poznań, Polen, geborene Künstlerin, Architektin, Autorin und Aktivistin Anna Krenz lebt seit 2003 in Berlin. Sie ist Gründerin des Kollektivs Dziewuchy Berlin und des Vereins Ambasada Polek e.V. Seit 2001 arbeitet sie mit dem Dänischen Zentrum der erneuerbaren Energien – Folkecenter for Renewable Energy bei Projekten zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung zusammen. Anna Krenz ist Teil des Frauen-Projektstudios Sinus_3, das Architektur, Ökologie, bildende Kunst und Gestaltung des öffentlichen Raums vereint. Von 2003 bis 2012 war sie Co-Leiterin der Galerie ZERO in Berlin. Zusammen mit Ewa Maria Slaska und Jemek Jemowit konzipierte und realisierte sie die Freifläche „Freiheit, Gleichheit, Solidarność“ bei BERLIN GLOBAL. 
Anna Krenz
© & Foto: Tomasz Siuda
Aleksandra Nowak
© Aleksandra Nowak | Foto: Sarah Wiśniewska

Aleksandra Nowak

Aleksandra Nowak ist Journalistin, Schriftstellerin, Kulturwissenschaftlerin und Aktivistin. Nowak ist (Co-)Autorin mehrerer Bücher, darunter der 2021 gemeinsam mit Paulina Klepacz und Kamila Raczyńska-Chomyn veröffentlichte Band „Dziwki, zdziry, szmaty. Opowieści o slut-shamingu“ (etwa „Huren, Schlampen, Lumpen: Geschichten über Slut-Shaming“). 2024 veröffentlichte Nowak die Essaysammlung „Wyp***dalać! Historia kobiecego gniewu“ (etwa „Verpiss dich! Die Geschichte der Wut der Frauen“). Sie ist Mitbegründerin und Herausgeberin der feministischen Zeitschrift „G’rls ROOM“ sowie des Projekts Adelfi Space, in dessen Rahmen sie Veranstaltungen für Frauen in Berlin organisiert. Seit vielen Jahren mit Warschau verbunden, lebt und arbeitet sie nun in Berlin. 

This event is part of the programme for the Open Space “Liberty, Equality, Solidarność. Polish Viewpoints in Berlin” by Ewa Maria Slaska, Anna Krenz, and Jemek Jemowit.

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Opening Hours

Mo + Wed – Sun | 10.30 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Tue | closed

Last admission is at 5.15 p.m.


10178 Berlin


For ticketing and service requests, please contact the Humboldt Forum Visitor Services:
+49 30 9921 189 89
Mo – Fri, 10 a.m.– 6 p.m.

Media partner


Women Power
In their docudrama "Women Power" (2018), The Fight for Women's Rights in Poland and Berlin: Film Screening and Discussion at BERLIN GLOBAL
Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum