Citizens with Equal Rights
Open Space | Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum
“Citizens with Equal Rights” is an exhibition by the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma on an Open Space in the room “Berlin Images”of BERLIN GLOBAL.
Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum
10178 Berlin
7,00 € / 0,00 € (reduced)
Opening Hours
Mo + Wed – Sun | 10.30 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Tue | closed
Last admission is at 5.15 p.m.
Special Opening Hours
Mon | 20.03.23 | 10:30 a.m. – 01:30 p.m.
due to an internal event
It explores the history of Berlin’s Sinti and Roma since the Weimar Republic, both in a European context and through personal biographies. A central focus is the Sinti and Roma civil rights movement: for recognition of the Holocaust, against antiziganism, and for a self-evident normality as citizens with equal rights. Beyond a historical perspective, the exhibition features twelve contemporary portraits from the “RomaRising” photo series by Chad Evans Wyatt, as well as the Grimme Prize–winning RomArchive.
Sinti and Roma have lived in Germany for over 600 years and were recognised as regular citizens in Berlin and elsewhere until the 1930s. Under the 1935 Nuremberg Race Laws, the Nazi regime subjected Sinti and Roma to the same discriminatory and exclusionary provisions as the Jewish population. A few years later, Sinti and Roma were deported to concentration and extermination camps. In occupied Europe, about 500,000 people fell victim to the Holocaust against the Sinti and Roma.
Nevertheless, survivors and their descendants had to fight for decades for recognition of the Holocaust against the minority. It was not until 2012 that the civil rights movement achieved an important step towards public visibility with the inauguration of the central memorial in Berlin to the Sinti and Roma of Europe murdered under National Socialism. But structural and societal prejudices and antiziganism still persist. Rejecting this ongoing everyday discrimination, the Open Space exhibition demands recognition of Sinti and Roma as “Citizens with Equal Rights” – as a matter of course.
Info & Service
Opening Hours
Mon + Wed – Sun | 10.30 am – 6.30 pm
Tue | closed
Last admission is at 5.30 pm
Holiday Opening Hours
Good Friday, 18/04/25 | 10:30 am – 6:30 pm
Easter Monday, 21/04/25 | 10:30 am – 6:30 pm
Labour Day, 01/05/25 | 10:30 am – 6:30 pm
Liberation Day, 08/05/25 | 10:30 am – 6:30 pm
Ascension Day, 29/05/25 | 10:30 am – 6:30 pm
Whit Monday, 09/06/25 | 10:30 am – 6:30 pm
Maintenance Work
Mon, 19/05/25 + Wed, 21/05/25 | Closed due to maintenance work
Thu, 22/05/25 + Fri, 23/05/25 | Partial closures possible due to maintenance work
From Sat, 24/05/25, the exhibition will be open as usual.
10178 Berlin
For ticketing and service requests, please contact the Humboldt Forum Visitor Services:
+49 30 9921 189 89
Mo – Fri, 10 a.m.– 6 p.m.
7 euros / 0 euros (reduced)