
Meet Sisyphos, the Flying Elephant!

Children help Sisyphos to form a community. They create their own elephant and make it fly!

Adventures in the Nikolai Quarter: Fly with Sisyphos!

In this workshop you can design your own flying elephant, explore Berlin's medieval secrets and tell stories.

Anti-colonial resistance and liberation at the Salt River

South African human rights activist Tauriq Jenkins talks about five centuries of conquest and resistance in southern Africa.

Dekoloniale – what remains?!

Decentralised exhibition at Various Locations in Berlin-Mitte

Guided Tour to Wilhelmstraße 92 with Mnyaka Sururu Mboro

Tanzanian activist Mnyaka Sururu Mboro guides us to the venue of the Berlin Conference of 1884/85 and sheds light on the historical signifi cance of the site, the African resistance, and the demands for apology and reparation.

“Paths of Remembrance”. A tour of the Afrikanisches Viertel with Mnyaka Sururu Mboro

The Tanzanian activist Mnyaka Sururu Mboro leads a tour through the Afrikanisches Viertel [African Quarter] in Berlin-Wedding as part of the decentralized exhibition project "Dekoloniale – what remains?!".

„Dekoloniale – what remains?!“: Guided tour through the exhibitions in the Nikolaikirche

The guided tour through the exhibitions “Colonial Ghosts - Resitant Spirits. Church, Colonialism, and Beyond” and „Inscribed. Colonialism, Museum, and Resistance” delves deep into the history of the Nikolaikirche and its largely unexamined connections to the Prussian-Brandenburgian slave trade and 19th-century colonialism.