Museums- und Kreativquartier

A new place in and for Berlin
Welcome to the Quarter! This is what it will look like one day near Köllnischer Park.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin
View over the summery Köllnischer Park to the Märkisches Museum (left) and the Marinehaus (centre).
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | photo: Frank Marquardt

Under the working title “Museums- und Kreativquartier” (Museum and Creative Quarter), a cultural location with an impact and creative power for the whole of Berlin and beyond will be created by 2028.

Museums- und Kreativquartier
Am Köllnischen Park
10179 Berlin

Opening Hours
After completion

The “Museum and Creative Quarter” will be a new kind of place in the middle of Berlin that invites people to live, understand and actively shape the city. A place of the past, present and future, the core of which will be the renovated Märkisches Museum and the former Marinehaus opposite.

Together with the city society, cooperation partners and the neighbourhood, the “Museums- und Kreativquartier” will set impulses for Berlin and the museum (professional) world. Here we will dare to experiment, rethink exhibitions and programmes, work with the diversity of the city and bring different groups together. In doing so, we will focus on the needs of our audience.

The programme

The “Museums- und Kreativquartier” will expand the existing work of the Stadtmuseum Berlin and offer a wide variety of approaches to the history and culture of the city. The programme will include current topics and groundbreaking exhibitions as well as a broad, cross-generational education programme, diverse events and surprising projects with creative people. Together with the gastronomy and the green museum courtyards, a place of encounter with the character of an urban oasis will be created between the Spree and Köllnischer Park.

Exhibition: A New Urban Space on the Spree

Exhibition opening at dialog 101
© Stadtmuseum Berlin
How can the Märkisches Museum merge with the surrounding urban space, how can accessibility be improved, how can the Marinehaus be a visible partner and how can the neighbourhood be revitalised?
Students from a wide range of disciplines are addressing these questions in the cooperation between the Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin, Modell+Design, postgraduate course Stage Design_Scenic Space.

In models and visualisations, they communicate their thoughts and ideas about the Märkisches Museum and the Marinehaus. The resulting models serve as three-dimensional inspiration and communication tools that encourage exchange and further thinking. In the coming years, further ideas will emerge during the conversion work.

Info & Service

Opening Hours

After completion


Museums- und Kreativquartier
Am Köllnischen Park
10179 Berlin


+49 30 24 002-162
Mo – Fri | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Write E-Mail



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Our museums

A project by:

Responsible body: Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion

Client: Land Berlin – Sondervermögen Immobilien des Landes Berlin (SILB), represented by BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement – GmbH

Financed with funds from the State of Berlin, supported by the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag and by the LOTTO Foundation Berlin.