Key Visual der Berlin Ausstellung im Humboldt Forum.

Uniforms for a modern palace

The GDR Fashion Institute was commissioned to design uniforms for the different departments for the Palace of the Republic.

The Kaiserpanorama

A century before 3D televisions and virtual reality appeared on the scene, a Berlin invention offered people an immersive experience of distant places and current events at affordable prices.

Magnus Hirschfeld

Doctor and sex researcher Magnus Hirschfeld (1868 – 1935) is today regarded as a pioneer of the sexual minority emancipation movement.

New Open Space projects at BERLIN GLOBAL

"Create your own exhibition!" was our call in summer 2023. We were looking for groups and organizations that wanted to realize their exhibition projects with us on the Open Spaces in BERLIN GLOBAL. 34 ideas were submitted. An independent jury selected three projects that will be realized together by 2025 and 2026.

Gentrify this!

Berlin was long considered poor but sexy. But those times are over. Berlin has become increasingly attractive for large real estate companies and investors. Rents are exploding and affordable housing is becoming increasingly scarce. Gentrification is one of the biggest areas of conflict in current urban development policy.

Hip hop – From New York via Berlin to Istanbul

Tan Bahar aka DJ Cut'Em T. and cultural scientist Verda Kaya look back at youth culture in Berlin-Kreuzberg in the 1980s and 1990s. In particular, they look at the first bands with Turkish-language songs at the Hip hop station in BERLIN GLOBAL.

The Revolutionary Public 1848

Using the example of 33 historical posters from the “Revolution” room of the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition, curator Martin Düspohl explains the different positions, backgrounds and nuances of the public texts.