The Berlinale in pictures

Stars, stars, stars: A photographic journey of discovery through the first decades of the Berlin Film Festival with pictures from the collection of the Stadtmuseum Berlin.

Leonore Schwarzer

This exclusive online photo exhibition showcases the work of Berlin photographer Leonore Schwarzer and her ability to capture the life of East Berliners in multifaceted images.

Eva Kemlein

Through her border crossings between East and West, Eva Kemlein became one of the most important post-war photographers. Her photographs document a city in ruins, the early stages of post-war life and the theatre life of the stages in both East and West Berlin.

Asien, Mittel- und Südamerika

Photo articles of Bernd-Horst Sefzik: Part 3


Photo articles of Bernd-Horst Sefzik: Part 2


Photo articles of Bernd-Horst Sefzik. Part 1.

Bernd-Horst Sefzik

Adoptive Berliner Bernd-Horst Sefzik (1942–1994) made a name for himself as a photo journalist in the GDR and beyond. In the “Neue Berliner Illustrierte”, his reports contained striking images from across the globe.