The Middle Ages

In My View: Andreas | Museumsdorf Düppel (UT dt./ engl.)

Andreas was born in Friedrichshain and works as a train driver. In his free time, he enjoys medieval music. In the Museumsdorf Düppel in the Nikolassee district of Berlin, Andreas is involved in the Förderverein Museumsdorf Düppel e.V. Here, he and his family look after a house and its garden.

In My View: Brigitte | Museumsdorf Düppel (UT dt./ engl.)

The reconstructed houses in the open-air museum are looked after and brought to life by the members of the Förderverein Museumsdorf Düppel e.V.. In the video, Brigitte Jusuf presents the interior of a house and the associated garden, both of which she maintains and looks after as a member of the association.