Hans-Christian Ströbele | Wir – Gespräche zum demokratischen Alltag in Berlin

Berliner Zimmer

Hans-Christian Ströbele, born in 1939, talks about his career as a lawyer and politician. He came to Berlin in the 1960’s and experienced a political awakening. He became politically active in the Socialist Lawyers’ Collective and elsewhere before eventually being elected to the German Bundestag four times in a row for Bündnis 90/die Grünen (the German Green party). In the interview, he talks about parliamentary democracy, reunification and the German foreign mission in Afghanistan, among other things.

Wir – Gespräche zum demokratischen Alltag in Berlin

Germany’s official reunification on 3rd October 1990 was the final act of a broad democratic awakening in the GDR, which saw mass mobilisations in Leipzig, East Berlin and elsewhere. The date also marked the end of the division of Berlin. Thirty years later, a video project by Berlin artist Sonya Schönberger introduces people who are working for democracy in Berlin today.

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