Tamara Hentschel | Wir – Gespräche zum demokratischen Alltag in Berlin

Berliner Zimmer

Shortly after Tamara Hentschel, a trained textile worker, moved to Marzahn, Vietnamese contract workers arrived there in 1987. As a resident advisor, she experienced first-hand the social problems experienced by Vietnamese people, their precarious status after the fall of communism, and the hostility they encountered. She talks about her work at a counselling centre and how the Reistrommel e.V. association was founded.

Wir – Gespräche zum demokratischen Alltag in Berlin

Jennifer Kamau came to Berlin as a refugee. She talks about her life as a political activist, reflects on her family history between tribalism and the cosmopolitanism of the big city of Nairobi and tells the story of her involvement with the Oranienplatz movement in Berlin, criticising the ambiguity of official regulations and calling for a combination of democracy and solidarity-based action. As a co-founder of the International Women* Space, she is committed to a process of social change that is directed against sexism, racism and all forms of exclusion.

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